Barack Obama Dan Maya Soetoro

Barack obama mendeskripsikan bahwa ayah tirinya adalah pribadi yang ramah santun dan mudah bergaul dengan orang lain.
Barack obama dan maya soetoro. Maya soetoro ng president barack obama s sister has seen her half sibling go from a laid back hawaiian teenager to a two term president. Ibunda auma adalah istri pertama dari barack obama sr. Sedangkan maya membawa darah campuran asia jawa indonesia. Barack hussein obama soetoro sobarkah is an enigma for sure and the evidence of his birth certificate being a fraud is overwhelming however recall that this usurper of the people s white house was caught on video not only claiming to be barry soetoro but also claiming that he had never used any other aliases.
Matsunaga institute for peace conflict resolution which is based in the college of social sciences at the university of hawaii at manoa. Barack obama lah calon presiden as dari partai demokrat yang membuat indonesia tiba tiba begitu dekat dengan as. Dunham s parents sought business opportunities in the new state and after graduating from high school in 1960 dunham and her family moved to honolulu. Pada tahun 1970 lahirlah anak perempuan soetoro dan ann dunham yaitu maya soetoro.
Dia juga menulis bahwa fisiknya tidak terlalu tinggi berpenampilan baik bermata coklat dan berambut hitam. On friday morning he and younger. Maya kasandra soetoro ng is the indonesian american maternal half sister of the 44th united states president barack obama. Formerly a high school history teacher she is currently a consultant for the obama foundation working to develop the asia pacific leaders program and a faculty specialist at the spark m.
Stanley armour dunham ann dunham maya soetoro and barack obama mid 1970s l to r on august 21 1959 hawaii became the 50th state to be admitted into the union. Keterikatan obama dan indonesia bahkan lebih pekat dari yang diperkirakan setelah pemberitaan mengenai peran dan identitas adik perempuannya yang berdarah jawa indonesia maya soetoro ng semakin luas.