Parlez Verb

English words for parlez include speak talk tell say voice converse and tongue.
Parlez verb. The following conjugation should be treated as a guide. Synonyms for the verb parler annoncer apprendre articuler avouer bafouiller balbutier baragouiner bavarder blaguer calomnier causer chuchoter citer communiquer converser dénoncer deviser dialoguer dire discourir. Conjugating the french verb parler. Parler is a very common french verb.
A quick lesson will introduce you to this very useful verb while learning many common phrases. To discuss terms with an enemy. This verb conjugates as a first group verb ending in er. How to use parley in a sentence.
The forms that would normally end in ols olt are modified to ous out. Parler verb is direct transitive indirect transitive intransitive. Old french conjugation varies significantly by date and by region. This verb follows the so called regular er verb pattern the pattern followed by vast majority of verbs of the language and by practically all new verbs entering the language.
La conjugaison du verbe parler sa définition et ses synonymes. Conjuguer le verbe parler à indicatif subjonctif impératif infinitif conditionnel participe gérondif. Parley definition is to speak with another. No characteristic consonant contrast for example with verbs following the finir or dormir patterns which have a characteristic ss and m in all forms.
This verb has a stressed present stem parol distinct from the unstressed stem parl. Er parler is conjugated with auxiliary avoir.