Manfaat Bidens Pilosa

Terna ini umumnya ditemukan liar sebagai gulma di tepi jalan di kebun kebun pekarangan di perkebunan perkebunan atau pada lahan lahan telantar.
Manfaat bidens pilosa. Mencegah tumbuhnya sel tumor atau kanker dalam tubuh menurunkan kadar kolest. Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun ketul bidens pilosa l terhadap penyembuhan luka sayat pada punggung tikus putih rattus norvegicus sebagai sumber belajar biologi. Bidens pilosa l sinonim. The plant is gathered from the wild for local use as a food and medicine.
Fermented with rice to make sake fermented with rice to make sake range. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the plants classification report. 1836 bidens pilosa l. Manfaat serai atau sereh untuk kesehatan.
Common beggar ticks spanish needles classification. Minor blume sherff 1925. Bidens pilosa is eaten in africa as a vegetable. Bidens pilosa is considered to be useful in clearing superficial heat dispersing stagnation invigorating the blood removing damp wind clearing damp heat from the lower triple burner and purging elemental fire from the body.
Niasin b5 asam pantotenat b6 asam folat dan vitamin c. 1753 is an annual herbaceous species with erect stems with almost quadrangular section up to 1 8 m tall in favorable conditions slightly pubescent more or less ramified. Bidens pilosa is native to south america the caribbean africa and the philippines. The bidens pilosa l.
Bidens sundaica blume 1826 bidens leucorrhiza lour dc. Program studi pendidikan biologi.