Kayleigh Mcenany Empty Book

In october 2020 white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany gave 60 minutes reporter lesley stahl a large book of u s.
Kayleigh mcenany empty book. The collective grievance of the american electorate reveals a deep divide between leaders and citizens. Trump posted the pictures on twitter with the caption. And a day later trump released more images of the moment. President donald trump is being widely mocked after he tweeted photos of white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany handing a 60 minutes anchor a binder full of blank pages that trump insinuated.
Trump tweeted along with four photos of stahl holding and opening a large book handed to her by white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. President donald trump s healthcare accomplishments which was blank. Kayleigh mcenany gave leslie stahl a 2 500 page book containing realdonaldtrump s health care plan and the pages being blank is a perfect metaphor of the trump presidency. A huge binder full of all of their healthcare accomplishments over the course of three years and nine months.
Lesley had no idea the tweet prompted social media users to question the contents of the book handed to stahl as the pages appeared to be empty. Kayleigh mcenany presenting lesley stahl 60minutes with some of the many things we ve done for healthcare. In an apparently desperate propaganda photo op white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany handed cbs reporter lesley stahl a binder supposedly containing president donald trump s accomplishments on healthcare only to tout it himself and accidentally reveal that it s a book of blank pages. Kayleigh s journey takes her from a family cabin in ohio to the empty factories in flint michigan from sunny florida to a texas bbq joint and of course ends up at the white house.
Kayleigh mcenany presssec october 20 2020 on tuesday mcenany published a picture of stahl with the healthcare book. They handed her a giant book full of blank pages where they claimed all of their accomplishments would be listed. But the only photo in which the book is open appears to.