Bidens Pilosa Var Radiata

Bp is a plant used as a traditional folk medicine.
Bidens pilosa var radiata. From this species groups of compounds with biological activity mainly polyacetylenes and flavonoids have been isolated and identified 2. Bp cultivated with only green manure on miyako island okinawa prefecture was processed to powder and is referred to as mmbp. Bp belonging to the asteraceae family is one variety of bidens pilosa species originating from south america and transplanted to china. Air dried powdered aerial parts of bidens pilosa l.
Minor bpm are common variants of a plant often used as a folk remedy for diabetes in taiwan. Rank scientific name and common name. We previously reported that the anti allergic action of the dry powder from bidens pilosa l. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the plants classification report.
Pilosa bpp and b. Bidens pilosa is an annual species of herbaceous flowering plant in the daisy family asteraceae its many common names include black jack beggarticks farmer s friends and spanish needle but most commonly referred to as cobblers pegs it is native to the americas but is widely distributed as an introduced species in other regions worldwide including eurasia africa australia south america. Radiata spanish needles or beggar ticks from the family asteraceae is an annual weed widely distributed throughout the tropical and sub tropical regions of the world 1. We have reported that mmbp has antioxidant anti inflammatory and anti allergy properties.
After solvent evapn the concentrate 450 g was successively extracted with petrol. In some part of the world the plant is eaten as food whereas in other countries b. Radiata schultz bipontinus pitard in pitard proust iles canaries 226. However the three variants are often misidentified and little is known about their relative anti diabetic efficacy and chemical composition.
Pilosa is used in traditional medicines 2. Bidens pilosa linnaeus forma radiata schultz bipontinus 1844. Bidens pilosa sub var. Radiata bidens pilosa linnaeus subvar.
The present study was executed to. Mizoram north east india has high plant diversity and the use of this plant as herbal medicine is deep rooted in the local tribes. Plantae plants subkingdom. Radiata asteraceae is well known for its folkloric medicinal use against various diseases from many decades.