Bidens Pilosa Nsw

Annual or perennial woody herbs.
Bidens pilosa nsw. It is also known as farmer s friend beggar s tick bur marigold common beggar ticks. Cobbler s pegs bidens pilosa has flower heads without any petals. The seeds have a burr that sticks on to your clothing so that if you brush against a plant in seed you will end up covered in the seeds and have to pick them off one by one. Leaves are deeply divided into three toothed lobes with the terminal lobe larger than the other two.
Cobbler s pegs bidens pilosa is very similar to beggar s ticks bidens alba var. Almost glabrous to densely hairy woody herb to 1 m or more high. Leaves opposite cauline usually petiolate sometimes sessile simple or compound. Australia and large quantities of grain are often obtained from these areas when there are drought conditions in nsw.
What does cobblers peg bidens pilosa look like and how to control it. Found to grow three times faster than a species of similar life form bidens sandwicensis pattison golstein ares 1998. Bidens pilosa cobbler s pegs or farmer s friends is a well known weed in the east of australia. Bidens subalternans on the other hand has leaflets that are pinnatifid the leaflets cut into lobes on both sides of the midrib.
It is a short lived herbaceous plant that is not overly fussy to soil type or location. The australasian virtual herbarium avh is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by australian herbaria. Bidens pilosa can be distinguished from bidens subalternans in that bidens pilosa has leaflets that are unlobed rarely partially lobed and have toothed margins. Individual flowers are yellow but are tiny and held in dense terminal clusters in a widely branching flowering head.
Leaves toothed 3 or 5 lobed terminal and lateral leaflets ovate to lanceolate 6 12 cm long 4 8 cm wide. Avh is a collaborative project of the state commonwealth and territory herbaria developed under the auspices of the council of heads of australasian herbaria chah representing the major australian collections. These species can be distinguished by the following differences. Cobblers pegs is a common backyard roadside and pasture weed that can reach over a meter in height.
Petiole very slightly winged.