Bidens Pilosa Common Name

Bidens pilosa is an annual species of herbaceous flowering plant in the daisy family asteraceae its many common names include black jack beggarticks farmer s friends and spanish needle but most commonly referred to as cobblers pegs it is native to the americas but is widely distributed as an introduced species in other regions worldwide including eurasia africa australia south america.
Bidens pilosa common name. Bidens pilosa is a annual growing to 1 m 3ft 3in. Among the more than 200 known bidens spp b. Native to tropical america. Beggars tick spanish needle needle grass usa.
Some recent treatments have opted for recognizing only b. Has kung chia han feng cao taiwan. Blackjack spanish needle hairy beggar ticks farmer s friend cobbler s pegs pitchforks kichoma mguu kiswahili labika acholi muceege kikuyu ononot lango family. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below this plant may be known by one or more common names in different places and some are listed above.
A troublesome weed to at least 30 crops in over 40 countries it is known to significantly reduce crop yields by almost 50 in some cases. It cannot grow in the shade. Amor seco desmodium adscendens is also called amor seco peru. Bidens pilosa is a widespread weed of tropical subtropical and warm temperate regions of the world.
This species has high reproductive potential and fast growing rates which are traits enabling it to rapidly spread and colonize new area. Bur or burr marigold is a common name associated with many species of the bidens genus. It is in flower from may to october. Black jack south africa.
Acid neutral and basic alkaline soils. Bidens pilosa is a problematic species for many reasons throughout its range. Pilosa is a representative perennial herb believed to have originated in south america and widely distributed across temperate and tropical regions. Picao preto cuamba brazil.
Bidens leucantha l willd. Light sandy medium loamy and heavy clay soils. Kïnehi bidens pilosa ko oko olau native bidens species hawai i. Bidens sundaica blume common names.
Xian feng cao abundant weed gui zhen china.