Barack Obama Leonardo Dicaprio

Environmentalists should cool their jets in regards to supporting anti fracking movements like the keep it in the ground movement president barack obama told actor leonardo dicaprio monday at a white house panel.
Barack obama leonardo dicaprio. Katharine hayhoe as part of the south by south lawn festival at the white house on october 3 2016. Google camp is on. Barack obama sunk a basket inside a high school gym in flint michigan on saturday to the delight of those watching except perhaps biden s staff realizing it made their candidate look slow. Leonardo dicaprio says he signed up for elon musk s mars trip leonardo dicaprio has sailed on the titanic battled grizzly bears in the brutal wild west and explored dreams.
If you are a working class family and dad has to drive 50 miles to get to his job the most economically important decision for him is to have low prices obama said at an event leading up to the opening of dicaprio s latest documentary on global warming. Prince harry and his old friend barack obama and friend to all leonardo dicaprio are reportedly at this seventh annual conference by the tyrrhenian sea. The president called out members of congress who scoff at climate change at the same time as they are saluting and wearing flag pins and extolling their patriotism. Obama and leonardo dicaprio warn there s no time left for climate change denial.
Leonardo dicaprio has been a warrior for climate change throughout much of his career.